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EYFS Policies and Risk Assessment
You may view our EYFS and Intimate Care Policies in our policy section of the school website.
Why risk assess?
Across the Early Years environment, we aim to offer a wide range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities to help develop children’s foundation skills. In any situation where there are a number of children working and playing together there are risks but there are also benefits. We take the health and safety of children very seriously and assess each situation by considering the potential risks and the benefits and then through discussion we can decide if the risks can be managed appropriately and that the benefits are valid, reasonable and productive in moving children’s learning forward.
The risk assessments cover the main areas of the indoor and outdoor environment. The general checklist covers our daily considerations before opening up the environment to parents and children. Toileting, first aid and safeguarding are covered in whole-school policies available on the school website. Educational visits are covered separately using whole-school risk assessment forms and are agreed on a trip-by-trip basis by the Educational Visits Coordinator.
All risk assessments are reviewed yearly to ensure they are up-to-date and relevant however, an assessment will be made immediately if there is an incident or an area of the environment is adapted or changed in any significant way. Individual risk assessments are made in collaboration with the SEND team, in order to best support and keep pupils with additional needs safe.