
Who's Who - Safeguarding


If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child please speak to one of the staff below.

The nominated safeguarding Academy Council member is Mr Chris Smith.

The nominated safeguarding trustee for Woodard Academies trust is Mr Andrew Day.

Mrs Watson is our School Designated Safeguarding Lead, all others below are fully trained members of the safeguarding team.

Whole School Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding poster 2025 without staff revised

Online Safety Team

E safety poster 23 24 new


Remember safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: staff, pupils and visitors

Key Staff Roles

We recognise that Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at KPS and cannot be the sole responsibility of the DSL so we have a very skilled and experienced staff team who lead on different areas of safeguarding across the school. This team is led and managed by Mrs Watson (Vice Principal) who has an oversight of all things safeguarding and welfare from Reception to Year 13.

Mrs R Watson

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Senior Mental Health Lead

Rebecca watson

Mrs V Stewart

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Pupil Premium Lead

Vanessa stewart

Mrs K Pearson

Designated Teacher

Kayleigh pearson

Mr G Swinton

PHSE Curriculum Lead

Guy swinton

Mrs C Smith

Eating Disorders

Head of Year

Charlotte spoor

Miss C Smith

Young Carers Lead

Head of Year

Caroline smith

Mr N Kelsey

Cyber Security Lead

Nik kelsey

Mr B McIvor

E Safety Lead

Ben mcivor


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